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Pollution: In the shadow of Canada's oil boom

"Oil sickness: Health concerns from Canada's oil sands industry"

Category: Energy sources


Global climate change decisions on hold for Obama administration

"New targets would not be discussed until the summer, to give the US president-elect time to signal his intentions"

Category: Climate Change


Love, labour and the robot armies of the future

"The next decade will see the world become increasingly reliant on robotic labour, according to researchers, who warn that there could also be some unintended social consequences."

Category: Robotics, Weapons


International Energy Authority: When will the oil run out?

"George Monbiot puts the question to Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency - and is both astonished and alarmed by the answer"

Category: Energy sources


Australia sets new climate target

"Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced new measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1611 to 1615 out of 2977